Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

Incredibly Realistic Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

So, in this tutorial I will show you how to create a water text effect. Even though it might look compex it's a very simple effect. We will use Illustrator for the text, then Cinema 4D to make it a 3D text and Photoshop to mix the 3D with some real photos to create a nice and realistic result.

Step 1

The first thing to do is create a hand writing with the text you want to use for the effect. I used Adobe Illustrator to write the text. Using the Pencil Tool (N), double click its tool icon to open the Pencil Tool Option. Use 10 pixels for the Fidelity and 50 % for the Smoothness. Save the Illustrator file, we will import it in Cinema 4D.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 2

Open Maxon Cinema 4D and go to File>Merge. Select the Illustrator file to import it.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 3

Let's edit the path just to add a bit of depth to it. In Illustrator we have a simple 2D path, now we can move in a 3D enviroment and that will give a nice effect. Select the Point Tool (1) and the just click and with the Move Tool (2), move the points, use the Axis arrows to make sure you are moving to the right direction and axis.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 4

After you finish editing the path, add a rectangle. To do that click on the Draw a Freehand Spline icon (1) and select Rectangle (2). In the Attributes panel change the width and height to 30m, select Rounding and use 3m for it (3).
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 5

Even though it might look a complicated, this step is quite simple. Click on the Add HyperNURBS Object icon and select Sweep NURBS (1). In the Objects panel you will have the 3 object layers, the Zee path, the rectangle and the Sweep NURBS. Move the path and the rectangle into the Sweep NURBS objects (2). Then in the Attributes panel use the image below for reference (3), but make sure that you change the Rotation.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 6

Now let's add a melting effect. Click on the Add Bend Object (1) and then select Melt (2). Again, drag the melt layer into the Sweep NURBS layer, (3) it wil be right below the Zee path. With the Melt Object selected go to its Attributes panel and play with some values. There isn't any fixed value, they will depend on the size of your text path. You can use the ones I used from the image below (4).
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 7

The object is getting quite nice, but there's still some adjustments to be done. Let's make it a little smoother and then add a nice water texture. So click on the Add HyperNURBS Object icon and select HyperNURBS (1). In the Objects panel click and drag the Sweep NURBS group of layers into the new HyperNURBS layer (2). In the Attributes panel for the HyperNURBS object change the Subdivisions to 3 and use Linear (R7) for the Type. Render the Perspective View to see how it's looking. Tip: Change the angle and distance of the view by dragging the icons on the top right hand corner of the preview window.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 8

The material we will use to create the water is very important. In the Material Panel go to File>New Material. Then double click on the material icon to open in a new window. Select the Color, Luminance, Transparency, Bump and Specular. Use the image below for values and settings references. TIP: for the BUMP click on the arrow button next to Texture, click on it and select Surfaces>Water. That will use a water map for the Bump.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 9

Click on the Add Light icon and add 2 new lights. Both will be Omni but make one 100% intensity and the other 50%. For the Shadow select Shadow Maps (soft). Then move the 100% intensity light to the top of the object (1) while the other light move to the bottom and behind the object(2). Render the Perspective view to see how it's looking. It's supposed to be alright and ready to be exported.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 10

Go to Render>Render Settings and select the Save option. Select Alpha Channel, Straight Alpha, and Separate Alpha. For the Output select Scree>1920x1200 pixels. Then just go to Render>Render to Picture Viewer. After that save it and let's go to Photoshop.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 11

Open Adobe Photoshop and the image rendered in Cinema 4D. The first thing to do is to go the Channel palette and then holding Command(MAC)/Control(PC) click on the thumbnail of the Alpha 1 to load the channel as selection. After that go back to the Layer Palette and select the layer and go to Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal Selection.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 12

With a very soft rounded brush and black for the color, paint over the mask to hide more parts of the image, use the image below for reference. We will place now some real water photos to give a very realistic feeling to the image.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 13

Over at http://sxc.hu search for water splash and download the photos of water with black background, below I showed the ones I used. Place them in your design and always use Screen for the Blend Mode, that way the black will be transparent.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 14

Start copying some parts of a photo and place them in the areas of the image we had hidden.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 15

Keep adding the small splash. You can go to Edit>Transform>Warp to change some forms, also with the Eraser Too (E) delete some areas of the splash to make it look real. It's all about details.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 16

Now add the big splash, for me it's easier that way because it's easier to avoid overload the image with elements. Again make sure you use Screen for the Blend Mode.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 17

Select all layers and group them. Duplicate the group and go to Layer>Merge Group. Then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Use 20 pixels for the Radius. After that change the Blend Mode of the layer to Screen as well. The blur with the blend mode will add a nice glow effect, however it's going to be necessary to reduce a bit of the brightness and increase the contrast. Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer>Brightness and Contrast. Use -75 for the Brightness and 40 for the Contrast.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop


Just add you logo or any text and that's it, we're done. Because of the beautiful outcome,you make think it's a very complicated effect, but the process is quite simple. Probably there are ways to do the text using only the blend tool in Illustrator and not use Cinema 4D but it's always good to know how to use 3D tools. As I said, the process is all about matching photos with a 3D object. I hope it can help you because it helped me a lot in my endeavour to learn more about 3D.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Version 2

To add some color to the image just add a Gradient Overlay via Layer Styles to the layer we applied the Gaussian Blur in the Step 17. Use Multiply for the Blend Mode of the Gradient Overlay then.
Incredible Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Download the tutorial Files

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Cool Photoshop Effects: Glass Egg Tutorial

This week, we will be creating some COOL PHOTOSHOP EFFECTS. This tutorial will teach you the basics on how to convert an object into bubble or glass giving it a transparent effect. It was created with Adobe Photoshop CS5(may be done with any other PS version). Here is a link to the Bubble Stock Image. Here is a link to the Egg Images. This tutorial was created by Bicsem.
Step 1
Open the original egg image.

Step 2
Now, with the clone stamp tool, you can slowly eliminate one of the eggs. With the clone tool selected, press alt + click on the part of the image you want to clone; in this case the background. Once you have done this, wherever you pass the clone over shall copy what you have clicked previously. In this case, I want to eliminate one of the eggs and add the same background color to make it look as if the egg was never there.

Photoshop Effects: Pokeball

We have been covering a lot of tutorials that have been teaching you Photoshop Effects. Today, we are going to learn how to create a pokeball in photoshop. You will need the following images for this tutorial:Bubble, Fish, Pokeball, Water, Sun Brush, Water Brush
Step 1
First of all, open the bubble. Now open the water image and place it over the bubble.

Step 2
Now, on the water layer, you will press ctrl + t(transform) and right click the mouse to select the warp tool. With the warp tool selected, you will re-size the water in the round bubble shape as in the image below.

Step 3
Now, with the water in place, change the water layer blend to “Soft light”. This will make the bubble look transparent as if the water was always in it.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

menerapkan Password di file Word atau Excel untuk proteksi

Jika kawan ada dokumen Word maupun Excel yang dianggap rahasia, dah tidak ingin dokumen tersebut dibuka atau diedit orang lain yang tidak berkepentingan. Mungkin cara ini akan membantu sedikit.
Dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas password yang telah disediakan oleh MicrosoftOffice Word maupun Excel, anda bisa dengan mudah melindungi dokumen penting dan pribadi anda, sehingga hanya orang yang tahu passwordnya saja yang bisa mengakses dokumen tersebut.
Ada dua jenis proteksi password yang disediakan oleh Word maupun Excel,

Password to Open” yaitu password yang diperlukan untuk membuka file dokumen tersebut. Dengan cara ini orang lain tidak bisa membuka atau membaca dokumen anda tanpa tau password-nya,
Password to Modify”, yaitu bila anda menginginkan bahwa dokumen asli anda tidak bisa diutak-atik (diedit) atau dirubah oleh orang lain. (tapi orang lain masih dapat melihat dokumen anda)
Sekedar saran, untuk menjamin keamanan dokumen anda, sebaiknya anda gunakan password yang berbeda untuk “Password to Open” dan “Password to Modify

Langkah-langkah dalam melindungi dokumen Word atau Excel anda dengan mempergunakan password adalah sebagai berikut.
  • Buka file dokumen anda, atau bisa juga anda membuat dokumen baru.
  • Kemudian klik menu Tools – Options
Tools -- Options

Solusi jika Lupa Password Facebook - solusi jika password Facebook di Hack

Tak usah pusing jika anda lupa password Facebook ataupun password anda di hack oleh orang lain. Berikut sedikit solusi  bagaimana memulihkan sandi facebook bila kita lupa password.
Cara ini juga bisa digunakan bila akun facebook kita di hack orang.

1.buka halaman facebook klik pada lupa sandi atau
forgot password lihat gambar

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012


Download Now

Gajah Tak Pernah Lupa Kawan Lama

Gajah ternyata memiliki perilaku mirip manusia. Mereka sangat suka berteman dan berkelompok. Bahkan, gajah Asia pintar membuat jejaring pertemanan. Hebatnya, mereka tak pernah melupakan kawan lama. 

Perilaku unik ini terungkap lewat sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan Dr. Shermin de Silva dari University of Pennsylvania. "Meski rata-rata suka berteman, ada gajah yang memilih setia dengan beberapa teman saja," kata Silva seperti dikutip dari Daily Mail.

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

Dinosaurus Buang Angin Pengaruhi Iklim Bumi

Ilmuwan asal Inggris memperkirakan gas metana yang dibuang oleh Sauropoda, termasuk spesies Brontosaurus, pada masa lalu telah mengubah iklim dunia.

Mereka mendapatkan hasil bahwa Sauropoda secara global mampu memproduksi 520 ton gas rumah kaca per tahun pada masanya. Dengan jumlah itu, menurut ilmuwan, gas yang dibuang oleh dinosaurus bisa memengaruhi iklim 150 juta tahun lalu.

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Tutorial Letak Button Follow dan Dashboard Dalam Blog

Dalam template asal blogger, sudah diletakkan untuk widget follower dan juga dashboard. Walau bagaimanapun, anda boleh melakukan sedikit pengubahsuaian. Tutorial kali ini akan tunjukkancara untuk letak button follow dan dashboard dalam blog seperti gambar di bawah.

Tutorial Hilangkan Navbar Pada Blog

avbar berperanan untuk memudahkan blogger kembali kepada link² tertentu. Walau bagaimanapun, beberapa pengubahsuaian yang dilakukan yang menyebabkan kehadiran navbar ini sedikit menyemakkan.:). Jadi tutorial kali ini akan menunjukkan cara untuk hilangkan navbar pada blog anda.

Antara pengubahsuaian yang menyebabkan navbar ini tidak diperlukan adalah tutorial letakkan button follow dan dashboard dalam blog.


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